Saturday, January 29, 2011

An explanation...

You may have noticed I kind of disappeared for a laptop broke in December, work was crazy & I've had very limited access to the Internet (I'm probably the only one who doesn't have a 'smart phone'!) So the purpose of today's entry is to tell you what there is to look forward to.

First, remember when I did a CSN giveaway? That awesome online store where you can buy anything you can think of, from swingsets to pet products to bakeware? So this time around I'm going to do a review of one of their items- something that will relate to this blog, of course. 

But that doesn't mean I've forgotten about you guys! To make up for not blogging so long & to celebrate my one year blogoversary (is that a word?) I'll also be doing a giveaway, very soon! So please check back here within the week!

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